Below you will find information regarding the safety data for Lost Coast Plant Therapy in both its concentrated form and its recommended ready-to-use dilution. We understand that there may be confusion when reviewing the concentrate’s Safety Data Sheet, as it details precautions for the pure ingredients before dilution.
The information provided here is intended to help clarify any concerns.
Lost Coast Plant Therapy is sold as a concentrate so customers can easily purchase larger quantities. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are created for public safety, covering the transportation of goods, safe handling, and storage, as well as instructions in case of accidents such as spillage on public roads, during fires, or if it gets into the environment in large quantities.
Why does Lost Coast Plant Therapy have such strong warnings on its shipping labels and safety data sheets if it is safe?
1. Isopropyl Alcohol. The flammable labeling on our boxes is required by national and international shipping regulations. Shipping 8 oz or more of isopropyl alcohol requires a flammable warning label. 100% pure isopropyl alcohol is irritating to the eyes.

2. Citric Acid. Safety data sheets provide information on a single pure ingredient without considering the amount used in the product’s formula. In its 100% pure form, citric acid is considered irritating to eyes and skin, which is why it requires a caution symbol on the safety data sheet.
3. Soap. Our soap, which is derived from plants, in its 100% pure form is considered irritating to the eyes and skin. Even though it is categorized as a "safer goods product," the chemical definition requires a caution symbol for the pure ingredient during shipping and handling.
With these additional details, we hope you have more clarity about the cautions on our safety data sheet. Please realize that safety data sheets require cautions based on the pure ingredient on its own (not considering the quantity in our product’s formula).
They reflect safety standards for public transportation of the ingredient, potential spills in the environment, involvement in fires, and cautions for people.
With the concentrate, we recommend you follow all safety standards for transporting, storing, and using Lost Coast Plant Therapy, including avoiding putting the concentrate in your eyes or mouth, or getting it on your skin. Always use proper personal protection gear.
Lost Coast Plant Therapy is used at the recommended dilution rate of 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) per 1 gallon of water. This reduces the concentration of our product to 1/128.
With only 1 ounce of product per 128 ounces of water, there’s too little concentrate to affect people but incredibly effective in controlling soft-bodied insects on your plants.
Please follow all directions on the bottle when using Lost Coast Plant Therapy.

Natural & Organic Ingredients
At Lost Coast Plant Therapy, we take pride in using natural, high-quality ingredients that are effective, eco-friendly, and safe. Our formula contains only seven biodegradable, food-grade, and cosmetic-grade components, which are gentle on plants, people, and the environment while effectively tackling pests and plant issues. Our product is biodegradable, Clean Green Certified, and non-toxic, making it safe for edible plants while leaving no harmful residue.
See our full ingredients list below.